Thursday, July 16, 2009

Halloween and Cosplay

I'm finding customers are already buying their supplies well in advance of Halloween - VERY SMART!

As most of you already know, my site,, sells many special effects makeup products, but it seems allot of people think they're only for EMS, disaster drills etc., so I'm here to let you know that while that was my original intent, it is much, much more than that!

Halloween is just around the corner, and I offer a FULL line of special effects makeup supplies - yes, even the Professional products that are used in major motion pictures.

TraumaFX is not just injury prosthetics and molds, but things like:

  • silicone Joker scars (a HUGE seller)
  • blood
  • specialty makeup and makeup wheels
  • molding wax (for changing your facial features)
  • colored liquid latex (you can do so many things with it!)
  • meaty looking Wound Filler (it is sooo cool - seriously!)
  • TraumaGels (better than way cool)
  • Bottled Sweat (sounds gross, but it's the same stuff used in movies for sweat & tears)
  • Slime-n-Snot (yea, it's great and it's gross - but you could eat it if you wanted)
  • prosthetic adhesives & remover
  • black soot powder
  • professional makeup brushes
  • economy makeup brushes
  • powder puffs
  • sponges (stipple & professional types)
  • and.....well, the list goes on and on.
If you haven't checked out the site - take a minute or two and do it. Maybe you know someone who could use the products I offer. Heck, maybe YOU could!

United Kingdom and Australian customers are purchasing TraumaFX supplies for Cos play this summer and fall.

There's so much you can do with the products I offer, no matter what you're in to - casualty makeup, beauty makeup, zombies, Joker, old age, horror, vampires, and more.

This post has kind of turned out to be an advertisement, hasn't it? Well, it wasn't meant to be that way when I started. I just wanted to let you know that is MUCH MORE than just casualty simulation products for the emergency response industry and that people are already buying for Halloween!

It seems prices always jump right before Halloween (mine won't!), so stop by for a visit and drop a dime or two! You'll be pleasantly surprised at the high quality and low prices at TraumaFX. That's not a slogan, it's the truth.

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I am owner of TraumaFX, the NEW leader in Casualty Simulation products and services! We're not one of the "big guys" yet, but we will be! Visit my site at
