Tuesday, July 28, 2009

TraumaFX is growing every day!

TraumaFX is really meeting people's special effect makeup needs!

They're finding out about the HIGH quality and LOW prices we offer! Most of them can't believe they can buy the same variety of products from TraumaFX at prices lower than the "big name" companies. That's GREAT news!

I would like to give a very humble THANK YOU to our latest customer placing a HUGE order - Logan International Airport in Billings, Montana.

Keep looking for new products on www.traumafx.com - they're being added all the time! To be posted this coming week are pre-made latex wound prosthetics. There's everything from large lacerations, bullet entrance & exit wounds to depressed skull fractures. It's exciting! And it's at prices everyone can afford!

There's a NEW place to go for all your Special Makeup Effects and Casualty Simulation needs -


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I am owner of TraumaFX, the NEW leader in Casualty Simulation products and services! We're not one of the "big guys" yet, but we will be! Visit my site at www.traumafx.com
